Can IT Influence the Valuation of a Business?

During mergers and acquisitions (M&A), it's common for IT to be overlooked or perceived as just another ordinary workstream. However, we believe that IT significantly impacts a business's valuation—positively or negatively. It's time to prioritise IT due diligence during M&A activity.

The Overlooked Importance of IT in M&A

In the high-stakes world of M&A, financials often take centre stage. Valuations focus on revenue, profit margins, and market share. But what if a critical component—IT—remains in the shadows? Technology is the backbone of modern businesses, driving operations, customer experience, and innovation. Ignoring it during valuation can lead to costly oversights.

Why IT Matters in Valuation

1. Operational Efficiency:

A well-integrated IT system ensures seamless operations. When evaluating a business, understanding its IT framework can reveal efficiencies or bottlenecks that impact overall performance. A robust IT infrastructure can enhance productivity, reduce downtime, and streamline processes—all of which contribute to a higher valuation.

2. Data Integrity and Security:

In today's digital age, data breaches can cripple businesses. Evaluating a company's IT security measures is crucial. Strong cybersecurity protocols not only protect sensitive information but also build trust with stakeholders. Conversely, weak security can diminish a company's value and deter potential buyers.

3. Scalability:

A company's ability to scale depends heavily on its IT capabilities. During M&A, assessing whether the IT systems can handle growth is vital. Scalable IT solutions indicate a readiness for expansion, making the business more attractive and valuable to investors.

4. Innovation and Competitiveness:

IT drives innovation. Companies leveraging cutting-edge technologies stay ahead of competitors. During valuation, understanding how a company uses IT for innovation—whether through AI, machine learning, or other advanced technologies—can provide insights into its future growth potential.

The Role of IT Due Diligence

Considering the impact of IT, due diligence should extend beyond just financial aspects. IT due diligence entails a thorough assessment of a company's technological infrastructure, encompassing:

Infrastructure Assessment:

Evaluating hardware, software, networks, and data centres to ensure they meet industry standards and can support business operations.

Cybersecurity Review:

Identifying potential vulnerabilities and ensuring robust security measures are in place to protect against data breaches and cyberattacks.

Compliance Check:

Ensuring the company adheres to relevant regulations and standards, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI-DSS), and Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Non-compliance can lead to hefty fines and legal issues.

IT Team Evaluation:

Assessing the skills and capabilities of the IT team to determine if they can support the company's technology needs and drive future innovation.

Case Study: IT's Impact on Business Valuation

Consider a mid-sized retail company undergoing acquisition. The initial valuation focused on financial metrics, neglecting IT. However, a subsequent IT due diligence revealed:

  • Outdated POS systems causing frequent downtimes.
  • Weak cybersecurity measures, making customer data vulnerable.
  • Limited IT scalability, hindering expansion plans.

Addressing these issues required significant investment. The acquiring company negotiated a lower purchase price to account for the necessary IT upgrades, demonstrating how IT can directly influence valuation.


In M&A activities, IT should never be an afterthought. Its integral role in operations, security, scalability, and innovation makes it a critical factor in determining a business's true value. Prioritising IT due diligence ensures a comprehensive valuation, helping buyers and investors make informed decisions and sellers achieve a fair price.

To learn more about how IT can influence your business valuation or to get expert guidance on IT due diligence, visit Numata's M&A Technology Services.

Prioritising IT due diligence can mean the difference between a successful acquisition and a costly oversight. Don't leave your technology assessment to chance—understand its power in shaping your business's future.


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